A review of the different technologies I find useful. (and other stuff I feel like ranting about)

Friday, December 7, 2007

Bush Family are Nazis?

This has nothing to do with technology but I figured I'd blog it anyways because it has been bugging me lately. I saw a video today with some persuasive evidence that the Bush Family supported the Nazi efforts and even tried to overthrow the US Gov't.

The link is here if you want to see it, Bush Family are Nazi

I have seen other supporting evidence in Zeitgeist too. This link is part 2 of 3. I encourage you to watch the entire film especially part one on religion.

It is pretty scary to reveal exacting similarities between Hitlers rise to power and some of the things in our own government today. It seems more and more that Bush keeps pressing home this idea that we should all be ducking for cover 24/7 and living in fear because of the terrorist threat (as if this was a new thing). Slowly our civil liberties are going to be taken way without any opposition from the scared-public. There is even a new bill congress is trying to pass that cites that the internet is a specific terrorist threat and needs to be controlled and monitored by the government. There will no longer any such things as privacy for the American Public.... anyone opposing these ideas will be systematically removed unless we stand up for our civil rights while they still exist. The biased media stems to brainwash the American public and I see lots of people, even people I know well, fall for nearly everything they see in the "news" without doing any real research on their part.

What are some of your thoughts on this? Should our civil liberties be policed and slowly removed? Should we all be tracked 24/7 to protect against terrorist threats? Does the benefit of being "safe" outweigh that of being free?

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